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What to pay attention to in the repair of the inverter

The frequency converter is widely used, but do you know that the frequency converter often has only one problem, and it is important for the repairer. It is to find the problem, deal with the problem in a targeted manner, try to reduce the useless work, especially to try to reduce the number of times the soldering iron is used. In addition to the experience, it is necessary to grasp the correct view. The right way can help the repairer to reduce the scale of the test from the inside and the outside, from the complex to the simple, quickly identify the fault and repair it properly. 1. Alarm parameter viewing method: The inverter will give corresponding error information for voltage, current, temperature, communication and other faults, and most inverters using microprocessor or DSP processor will have special parameters. Save the alarm record for more than 3 times. 2. Analogy viewing method: This method can be analogous to the same circuit, so it can be compared with the known good board. This can help the repairer quickly reduce the size of the view. 3. Substrate replacement view method: It is very effective to use the spare circuit board or the same type of circuit board to recognize the problem and reduce the viewing scale. 4. Isolation viewing method: Some problems are often difficult to discriminate in that area, and the isolation method can be used to simplify the messy problem and find out the cause of the problem faster. 5. Intuitive viewing method: It is to use the sensory organs of human hands, eyes, ears and nose to find out the cause of the problem. 6. Lifting temperature viewing method: This method is very effective for some special problems. Artificially warming or cooling some components with poor temperature characteristics, causing "disorders" or eliminating "diseases to find the cause of the problem." 7. Destroying the viewing method: it is to adopt some means to cancel the internal protection measures and simulate The condition of the disease destroys the problematic equipment. The equipment or area of the disease is highlighted.